Time to update: Google’s Android updates fixes 41 flaws, five critical
Android Security Bulletin for June 2022 provides fixes for 41 security flaws, with users urged to apply security updates.
井上尚弥「めでたい日に胸糞悪い話だよね」 ドネア戦当日に空き巣被害
ちむどんどん良子が「ブチギレ正論」 賢秀&優子の甘さを一喝…「よく言ってくれた」絶賛相次ぐ
Configure Brave Browser to display all articles in Reader Mode
Most Internet browsers support Reader Mode functionality, which is designed to improve the readability of articles. Firefox, Brave, Microsoft Edge, Vivaldi and many more browsers support reader mode functionality by default. Chrome, […]
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Remote workers want new benefits. This is how employers are responding
Employers who update their perks to accommodate new working preferences stand to gain in more ways than one.
「妊娠葛藤相談所」などの設置を 内密出産をめぐり熊本市長が国へ提案
「えっ挿せないの?」 スマホの充電器は統一されるか EUは“タイプC”
75歳で尊厳死容認、カンヌ受賞の話題作「PLAN 75」 早川監督が込めた「希望のようなもの」
第75回カンヌ国際映画祭でカメラドール(新人監督賞)の次点に当たる特別表彰を受けた「PLAN 75」…