先週5月27日、経済産業省が大変興味深い調査報告書を公表しました。これはロビイングやルールメイキングとは何かを考えるうえで必読と考えます。 国内のロビイング市場規模「130億円超」 実はこの報告書で経産省は『新市場創出サ
[solidus_backend] CSRF allows attacker to finalize/unfinalize order adjustments in solidus_backend
CSRF vulnerability allowing attackers to change the state of an order’s adjustments if they hold its number, and the execution happens on a store administrator’s computer.
Reproduction steps:
Take an order’s number.
Log in as an administrator.
[SSH.NET] Weak private key generation in SSH.NET
During an X25519 key exchange, the client’s private is generated with System.Random:
var rnd = new Random();
_privateKey = new byte[MontgomeryCurve25519.PrivateKeySizeInBytes];
Source: KeyExchangeECCurve25519.csSource commi…
空間体験デザインを手がける株式会社Space eXperience Design(以下、SXD)は、…
Personalize Chrome with themes from LGBTQ+ artists
Back in high school, before I came out, seeing LGBTQ+ role models made me feel a sense of community. In particular, seeing LGBTQ+ people depicted in art and media who were thriving gave me confidence to be who I am. Artistic expression, from people lik…
Bringing Google Meet features to Google Duo for a single, integrated video solution
What’s changing To support the millions of users who rely on our technology for video calls and meetings, we’ve made deep investments in both Google Duo and Google Meet. For those using Duo as their cross-platform video calling appservice, we’ve…
都市と地方の格差縮小目指す 基本方針案決定 デジタル田園都市国家構想
デジタルの推進で都市と地方の格差の縮小を目指す「デジタル田園都市国家構想」の基本方針案が決定した。 …