US envoy Amos Hochstein arrived in Beirut Sunday to push talks to resolve a bitter maritime border dispute between Lebanon and Israel over Mediterranean waters with offshore gas fields. “Reaching a resolution is both necessary and possible, but can onl…
US envoy pushes Lebanon-Israel talks over maritime dispute
US envoy Amos Hochstein arrived in Beirut Sunday to push talks to resolve a bitter maritime border dispute between Lebanon and Israel over Mediterranean waters with offshore gas fields. “Reaching a resolution is both necessary and possible, but can onl…
Iraq cleric’s followers camped out in parliament for 2nd day
Hundreds of followers of an influential Shia cleric were camped out Sunday inside the Iraqi parliament, after toppling security walls around the building and storming in the previous day. The protesters — followers of Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr …
Iraq cleric’s followers camped out in parliament for 2nd day
Hundreds of followers of an influential Shia cleric were camped out Sunday inside the Iraqi parliament, after toppling security walls around the building and storming in the previous day. The protesters — followers of Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr …
プロ野球結果 首位ヤクルト 村上宗隆が3打席連続ホームラン (NHK)
プロ野球は5試合が行われ、セ・リーグ首位のヤクルトは4番の村上宗隆選手が3打席連続のホームランを打ち、2位の阪神に逆転勝ちしました。 続きを読む パ・リーグ ソフトバンク対西武はソフトバンクが4対2で勝ちました。 勝 和田投手3勝2敗。 S モイネロ投手1敗15セーブ。 負 エンス投手6勝6敗。 ホーム……
【阪神】大山悠輔、球団6人目の4年連続70打点も… (日刊スポーツ)
阪神対ヤクルト 4回裏阪神無死一、三塁、大山は先制の右前適時打を放つ(撮影・前岡正明) <阪神2-4ヤクルト>◇31日◇甲子園 村上ひとりにやられた…。阪神が今季3度目の6連勝を目前で逃した。31日のヤクルト戦(甲子園)は1点リードの9回に守護神・岩崎優投手(31)が同点弾を浴びるなど、ヤクルト……
アズールレーンとヤマハのコラボ企画で盛り上げるIRF with AZURLANE/鈴鹿8耐チーム紹介
アズールレーンとヤマハのコラボ企画で盛り上げるIRF with AZURLANE/鈴鹿8耐チーム紹介
Beirut silo collapses, reviving trauma ahead of blast anniversary
By Issam Abdallah, Yara Abi Nader, Laila Bassam and Timour Azhari BEIRUT (Reuters) -Part of the grain silos at Beirut Port collapsed on Sunday just days before the second anniversary of the massive explosion that damaged them, sending a cloud of dust o…
Part of Beirut Port’s silos collapse, cloud of dust and smoke rises -Reuters witness
(Reuters) – Part of Beirut Port’s silos collapsed on Sunday afternoon and a large cloud of dust and smoke was seen in the area, a Reuters witness said. Earlier this month, a fire had been burning slowly in the ruins of the port’s grain silos, giving of…