Flying With A Recluse Spider Onboard

By Mark David Francisco For years, the Cessna 206 has been called the flying SUV, and for good reasons. It’s rugged, can take a good load, and does, indeed, serve as a utility vehicle, carrying good loads of both people and cargo. The Cessna 206 has pr…

Cub Vortices in the Mist

By Plane & Pilot Joe Costanza has been wanting to get this video for some time, and recently when the conditions were perfect on the little grass strip his Cubbie calls home, well, you’ll see for yourself. Aviation photography great Paul Bowen made vor…

Photo of the Week: Skywagon Heaven

By Plane & Pilot This week’s Plane & Pilot Photo of the Week is from Casey Long, who captured this remarkable image of his gorgeous 1979 Cessna 185f Skywagon on the glassy surface of Shirley Lake, Alaska, doing its best impression here of a reflecting …