指定した日付が休日かどうかをサクッとチェックしたいことはたまにあると思います。 休日をエクセルなどからサクッと簡単に確認にできる「法定休日確認API」を追加しました。 以下のようにパラメーターに日付を渡すだけで、その日が休日かどうかの判定を行うことが可能です。(現在は法定休日のみの判定に対応しています…
New Google Workspace features to help solo business owners
Over the past few years, we’ve seen more people forging their own path and turning their personal passions into businesses. These individual business owners, sometimes called “solopreneurs,” wear many hats as they run and grow their businesses: salespe…
Amazon Prime Video: the complete schedule of new releases for July 2022 in France
After a month of June inevitably marked by the return of The Boysa calmer month of July 2022 awaits the faithful ofAmazon Prime Video. Series […]
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