WarcDB: Web crawl data as SQLite databases. WarcDB is a an SQLite-based file format that makes web crawl data easier to share and query. It is based on the standardized Web ARChive format, used by web archivers. Usage # Load the `archive.warcdb` file with data. warcdb import archive.warcdb ./test…
中途入社エンジニアが体験した、はてなにおけるオンボーディングの実例 – Hatena Developer Blog
こんにちは。マンガアプリチームのiOS/Androidエンジニアid:tokizuohです。今年の5月に中途入社しました。本記事では、私がはてな入社後に受けたプロジェクトチームのオンボーディングについて振り返ります。 本記事の目的は、はてなのエンジニア受け入れ体制の事例を共有することです。業界的にもオンボーディングに関…
GitHub – binpash/pash: PaSh: Light-touch Data-Parallel Shell Processing
Run ./pa.sh –help to get more information about the available commands. Jump to docs/tutorial for a longer tutorial. Installation On Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, or Arch, run curl up.pash.ndr.md | sh to set up PaSh. For more details, manual installation, or other platforms see installation instructio…
GitHub Code Search (Preview)
GitHub Code Search (Preview)
Gourav Goyal
Namaste, I’m a full-stack web developer, ex-founder, and a fun guy to hang around with. I like to build things that others find helpful. (Hire me!) Currently, I am building Easypie.app – the easiest way to connect apps and automate workflows within minutes. No coding required. Previously, I co-fo…
GitHub – maxgoedjen/secretive: Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
Secretive Secretive is an app for storing and managing SSH keys in the Secure Enclave. It is inspired by the sekey project, but rewritten in Swift with no external dependencies and with a handy native management app. Why? Safer Storage The most common setup for SSH keys is just keeping them on di…
GitHub – tabler/tabler: Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
A premium and open source dashboard template with a responsive and high-quality UI. Preview Tabler is fully responsive and compatible with all modern browsers. Thanks to its modern, user-friendly design you can create a fully functional interface that users will love! Choose the layouts and compo…
GitHub – hackergrrl/art-of-readme: Things I’ve learned about writing good READMEs.
Art of README This article can also be read in Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, German and French. Etymology Where does the term "README" come from? The nomenclature dates back to at least the 1970s and the PDP-10, though it may even harken back to the days of informative paper notes place…
Visual Studio Code blog
Version 1.69 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from June. The Visual Studio Code Server July 7, 2022 by Brigit Murtaugh, @BrigitMurtaugh A remote present and future In 2019, we released the Remote Development extensions, which let you use VS Code locally to develop applicati…