序 私がBtrfsに始めて触れたのは、日経Linuxの2009年の記事であった。 その後新しい(有望な)ファイルシステムとしてBtrfsを扱ってきたが、本格的に、という意味では8台のディスクからなるBtrfsボリュームを形成した2014年からと言えるだろう。そこからカウントすれば8年だ。 Btrfsに対しては先入観や空疎な風説に惑わさ…
What does an idle CPU do?
In the last post I said the fundamental axiom of OS behavior is that at any given time, exactly one and only one task is active on a CPU. But if there’s absolutely nothing to do, then what? It turns out that this situation is extremely common, and for most personal computers it’s actually the nor…
Audacious – An Advanced Audio Player
About Audacious Audacious is an open source audio player. A descendant of XMMS, Audacious plays your music how you want it, without stealing away your computer’s resources from other tasks. Drag and drop folders and individual song files, search for artists and albums in your entire music library…
Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection
Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection Introduction This page contains a collection of small computer programs which implement one-player puzzle games. All of them run natively on Unix (GTK), on Windows, and on Mac OS X. They can also be played on the web, as Java or Javascript applets. I wrot…