本稿では Next.js アプリ設計と同時に検討しておきたい、API Mocking の設計(MSW の活用テクニック)を紹介していきます。※ 解説のなかで jest を使いますが、ここは特別こだわりがあるわけではありません。 MSW で表現する API 群 MSW は Next.js アプリのローカル開発に役立ちます。任意の API を任意のレイヤーで、…
React Labs: What We’ve Been Working On – June 2022 – React Blog
React 18 was years in the making, and with it brought valuable lessons for the React team. Its release was the result of many years of research and exploring many paths. Some of those paths were successful; many more were dead-ends that led to new insights. One lesson we’ve learned is that it’s f…