アバンギャルド河津🌥️ @makotokawazu アバンギャルド(前衛的)に天気のことをツイートする気象予報士。TV出演歴はTBS「あさチャン!」「Nスタ」、テレ東、静岡第一、NHKあさイチ等。たまにVoicyやnoteも更新。慶応法卒。趣味はTwitter、懸垂、サウナ、読書。ユーモアを交えつつ本音でくわしい気象情報を知りたい方はフォ…
中国南部で数十年ぶり豪雨 数十万人が避難
中国南部江西省の婺源で、豪雨により冠水した道路や浸水した建物(2022年6月20日撮影)。(c)CNS / AFP 【6月21日 AFP】中国南部でここ数日、数十年ぶりの豪雨により洪水や土砂災害が発生し、数十万人が避難を余儀なくされている。 大雨のため珠江(Pearl River)の水位は危険レベルまで上昇している。 国立気象機関によ…
The “hot feet” high temperature of 74.1 ℃ on the surface is expected to end: Henan will welcome large-scale rainfall in the next week
Recently, many places in Henan have experienced high temperatures above 40 °C, and the surface temperature in some areas has even reached 74.1 °C, which […]
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Shaoguan, Guangdong suffered a record-breaking rainstorm: 522.9 mm, double the amount in the same period of previous years
Recently, heavy rainfall has continued in many places in the south, and many records have also been broken. From May 21 to June 17, the […]
The post Shaoguan, Guangdong suffered a record-breaking rainstorm: 522.9 mm, double the amount in the same period of previous years appeared first on Gamingsym.
Continuous heavy rain in Jianou, Fujian: air defense alarm sounded throughout the city
In recent days, many places in the north have been hot and dry, and many places in the south have continued to rain heavily. In […]
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The highest surface temperature in Henan reaches 74.1 ℃!High temperature orange warning is here again
In the past few days, the whole Henan Province has reached a new height. The traditional super stove in Turpan, Xinjiang, is willing to bow […]
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Heavy rain occurred in 7 townships in Qiandongnan Prefecture: an entire house was washed away by the flood
Recently, many places in the south have been hit by heavy rains, causing a series of disasters. According to reports, on June 18, due to […]
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How hot is the hot search on the high temperature in Henan caused by the fracture of the cement road?The highest value in the same period in the past 60 years – weather, high temperature, Henan – Kuai Technology (media of Drive Home) – Technology changes the future
How hot is the hot search on the high temperature in Henan caused by the fracture of the cement road?The highest value for the same […]
The post How hot is the hot search on the high temperature in Henan caused by the fracture of the cement road?The highest value in the same period in the past 60 years – weather, high temperature, Henan – Kuai Technology (media of Drive Home) – Technology changes the future appeared first on Gamingsym.
Many cement roads in Xuchang, Henan were exposed to the high temperature, and the thermometers were arched and placed on the ground.
In recent days, Henan has been hotly searched as “氵kenan”. In Zhengzhou, Xuchang, Xinxiang, Kaifeng and other places, the temperature has exceeded 40℃. Walking on […]
The post Many cement roads in Xuchang, Henan were exposed to the high temperature, and the thermometers were arched and placed on the ground. appeared first on Gamingsym.
There was a tornado in this place last night and the trees were uprooted! How to escape from a tornado? -Weather, Escape, Tornado–Fast Technology (Media of Drive Home)–Technology changes the future
There was a tornado in this place last night and the trees were uprooted! How to escape from a tornado? According to the official Weibo […]
The post There was a tornado in this place last night and the trees were uprooted! How to escape from a tornado? -Weather, Escape, Tornado–Fast Technology (Media of Drive Home)–Technology changes the future appeared first on Gamingsym.