
In a short Twitter message, the creators of “Final Fantasy VII Remake” recently went into more detail about the changes to Cloud’s character model over the course of the action role-playing game’s development.

With “Final Fantasy VII Remake” Square Enix gave a true video game classic a fresh cell treatment on current consoles. The title has been massively revised on almost all levels, of course also from a technical point of view. The makers recently gave up Twitter (via Siliconera) gives a glimpse of the transformation that protagonist Cloud Strife’s character model has undergone over the course of the action RPG’s development.

Cloud’s Final Fantasy VII Remake model has been customized over a long period of time

First of all, those responsible reveal that Cloud was actually the first character in the game for which a model was made. However, it was a long way from the first draft to the first official look in the announcement trailer to the final game. In order to optimize the bone structure, his hair and the textures used, the team made various adjustments over a long period of time.

One of those tweaks, explicitly mentioned in the tweet, is Cloud’s arms. For example, the thickness of the arms of the “Final Fantasy VII Remake” protagonist has changed quite a bit since the first teaser video. So that you can get an idea of ​​​​this change for yourself, we have included both the PlayStation Experience 2015 trailer and the final trailer from early April 2020 for you further down in the article.

Furthermore, the makers would have placed great value on the presentation of details in the action RPG. To be more precise, they give examples of damage to equipment and scratches on characters’ weapons. These little things, which may not be noticeable at first glance when playing, were presented by those responsible in such a way that they make the events of the story more tangible and tangible.

More Final Fantasy VII Remake news:

It’s not the first time that the creators behind “Final Fantasy VII Remake” have given a little insight into the design of various facets of the game. In the past they already went on to design a dress that Aerith in the 8th chapter of the game, or the design of Bigg’s guns a.

Final Fantasy VII Remake was released exclusively for the PlayStation 4 in 2020. Almost a year later, “Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade” followed, a technically revised and content-enhanced version of the action role-playing game for PlayStation 5.

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