
The damage to Estonia’s hull is greater than has previously been known, the latest investigation of the wreck shows.

The damage, which was judged to be 22 meters long, is in fact more than 40 meters long and at least 6 meters wide, says Rene Arikas, head of the Estonian Accident Investigation Board, to the Estonian public service company ERR.

Jörgen Zachau, investigator at the Swedish Accident Investigation Board, does not think it is strange that the damage turned out to be greater than previously thought.

– We have not examined the hull in detail before. It is now that we do the detailed investigation, he says to TT.

He says the damage may have worsened over the years.

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Estonia was examined by photogrammetry

In June, an expedition was launched to examine Estonia’s wrecks using photogrammetry. It is a technique where you take a large number of still images that overlap each other and which are combined into a three-dimensional image in high resolution.

The surveys of Estonia in June 2022. Operator at Vos Sweet. Photo: Stefan Jerrevång / TT

The measurements ended on 16 June. It takes a few months to compile data from the expedition.

Read more: Two major challenges the Estonia robot must meet

The background to the new surveys is the documentary Estonia – the find that changes everything which was broadcast in 2020. It showed previously unknown holes in the starboard side of the ship, which led to new speculation about the cause of the 1994 disaster when 852 people died.

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