
He passed ms of four aos of the original estrogen of Into the Breachthe great strategy game for turntables FTLbut it does not mean that Subset Games has been released by Es. ms, in a new article published in its official blog he announced a number of news that will inspire fans of the project and allow our people to join: llegar a mviles iOS and Android el July 19 integrated into the Netflix catalog, receive new free contentlaunches in fsico format for Switch and receives a translation of various idioms between what is found in Latin America (it is available in Spanish).

Vayamos por partes: la llegada de Into the Breach the devices will be produced on July 19 and will be one Exclusive version of Netflix. What does it mean? Only the subscribers of this service can play and adapt to iOS and Android. If we have the same game, without announcements or micropagos, that we will be judging from 2018. It has a novelty, so it is: a control tctil adapted to work better in pantallas ms pequeas.

New free content and physics release for Switch

Adems de su lanzamiento en mviles, Into the Breach will receive a free update on July 19th. If treated by the Advance Edition, a packet of new content with squadrons, mechs, armies, pilots, abilities, challenges, mode of difficulty, msica, siete idiomas ms and algn that other added addition. Before the launch darn ms details about the news of this update, although at the moment he confirmed that be free for all the world and that is launched in todas las plataformases decir, in PC, Switch, iOS and Android.

For example, Subset Games has announced the launch of one edicin fsica of Into the Breach exclusive to Switch. Ya se puede reserve a Fangamer to a price of 34 dlares estadounidenses. Includes game, manual, pack of pegatinas, pster and reversible door. Its launch is provided for October 2022.

“Sabe offers hours and hours of pure diversity with his defiance and satisfying proposition. It has its own personality, all its elements function to perfection and his ingenious mezcla between strategy for turns and puzzles is pure vicio, by not delving into the full satisfaction of satiety vaccine with what compensates the player for a job well done numbers and amargas derrotas “, decamos en nuestro anlisis of Into the Breach.

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