
In March last year, Intel launched the IDM 2.0 strategy to revive its leadership in the semiconductor field. The core content of which is to build a new batch of advanced semiconductor wafer fabs and invest 20 billion US dollars to build two wafer fabs in Ohio, USA. .

According to Intel’s information, the two chip factories will be named Fab 52 and Fab 62 respectively, and it is revealed for the first time that these factories will mass-produce 20A processes in 2024.

The investment plan is expected to create more than 3,000 high-skilled, high-paying permanent jobs, as well as more than 3,000 construction jobs and approximately 15,000 local permanent jobs.

This is the largest private investment in Ohio’s history and is expected to generate $2.8 billion in annual GDP, as well as the aforementioned large number of jobs.

Intel built a local factory, and the local government of course fully cooperated, even at all costs——A few days ago, the New Albany, Ohio City Council voted 5-0 to approve a subsidy plan for Intel, that is, no tax to be paid for the next 30 years, which is undoubtedly a huge subsidy.

However, Intel’s fab construction is still a bit troublesome. The groundbreaking ceremony was originally expected to be held in July, but it has now been postponed because the US government’s $52 billion chip subsidy bill has been delayed, and the subsidies are still very important for Intel. Important – tax-free subsidies for local governments must be obtained, and financial subsidies at the federal level cannot be less.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

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Hashtag: IntelCPU processor chip

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