
Of all the animal world, dogs are the most friendly creatures towards people. For thousands of years, these four-legged people have served man. For some, a dog is a sweet, albeit useless friend, for someone it is a guard or assistant. In order to enhance certain qualities, a person brought out many new breeds of dogs. In general, all these animals are divided into three categories according to their breeds: large, medium and small. However, even large dogs can be very large.

There are dogs whose height at the withers exceeds 55 centimeters and which weigh more than 50 kg. A separate group has been allocated for such animals. And people also use similar characteristics of dogs for their own purposes. Giants carry heavy loads, serve as rescuers, herd herds and even look after children. But what breeds of dogs are considered the largest.

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English mastiff (weight – 68-100 kg, height – 69-91 cm)

The English Mastiff, a kind giant, opens our list. It is this dog that is considered to be the largest in the world. The weight of the animal often exceeds 100 kg, and the growth is close to a meter. It was the English Mastiff that got into the Guinness Book of Records. The name of the record holder dog is Aikama Zorba. This animal weighed 155 kg, and its height reached 94 cm.

The fighting dogs of the British Celts are considered to be the ancestors of mastiffs. These animals carried military service in the 1st century BC. The Romans knew the capabilities of fighting dogs. Thus, the historian Faliscus wrote that the Britons surpass all other known breeds in their strength and ferocity. And the name “mastiff” came just from Ancient Rome. The word is believed to be a corruption of the Latin massivius (“massive” or “large”). But mastiffs have long lost their aggression – today they are extremely peaceful animals, devoted to their master and home.


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St. Bernard (weight – 80-100 kg, height – 70-90 cm)

st bernard

The history of this breed originates from the Swiss Alps, full of dangerous mountain passes. It is believed that in the XI century, such dogs not only guarded the monastery of St. Bernard, but also helped the monks in search of travelers lost in the snow and fog. The name of the monastery gave the name to the breed.

The large size of the St. Bernards and their dense thick coat, as well as powerful paws and an excellent sense of smell, helped the dogs to find people even under a two-meter layer of snow. Thanks to their keen hearing, these dogs can hear the approach of an avalanche. In 1983, studies conducted by the Americans showed that this talent allows dogs to distinguish sounds with a frequency of up to 46 kHz, while the human hearing threshold is 20 kHz.

Today, these gentle and sensitive giants are rarely used as rescuers, but they feel great in families where they quickly become friends with children. The popularity of the St. Bernards grew noticeably after the Beethoven series of films in the 1990s.

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Great Dane (weight – 54-91 kg, height – 80-90 cm)

German dog

The word dog is originally universal; in medieval Europe, this was the name of all large dogs in general. But this particular breed appeared in the 19th century in Germany. Specialists artificially derived it from several other varieties. Great Danes proved to be both powerful and graceful. Moreover, with their growth, these dogs even surpass mastiffs. For example, in America lived the Great Dane Zeus, who, with a height of 111 cm, weighed 70 kg.

And although Great Danes have a menacing appearance, in reality they are affectionate and obedient animals. The breed knows how to guard well, is friendly with a person and successfully acts in films. You can recall at least a dog named Cyclone, who played in the Soviet film “The Hound of the Baskervilles”.

Unfortunately, Great Danes do not differ in longevity – on average, they live only 6.5 years. This can be blamed on artificial breeding. In the early 2000s, studies were conducted that showed that Great Danes often suffer from tumors, as well as diseases of the heart and stomach, due to closely related crossing and selection for external signs.


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Caucasian Shepherd Dog (weight – 45-90 kg, height – 70-77 cm)

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

These large shepherd dogs have long shown themselves to be one of the best watchmen. The breed can be considered ancient – it has been bred in the Caucasus for over 2000 years. Once upon a time, furry giants protected both sheep from wolves and people from enemies. It is known that in the 18th century Caucasian Shepherd Dogs served as guards in the Turkish and Russian armies.

The largest representatives of this breed weigh up to 100 kg, although puppies are born small – only 600 g each. Babies grow rapidly, adding 200 g every day in the first month of life and 400 g every two subsequent months.

The breed was formed in the mountains, where the weather does not indulge in stability. That is why Caucasian Shepherd Dogs tolerate even the harsh climate well. And the fact that the distant ancestors of these dogs lived constantly with one owner – a shepherd, made them not particularly social – Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are attached to one family member and only tolerate strangers next to them.

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Newfoundland (weight – 60-70 kg, height – 69-75 cm)


These dogs are often called divers in our country. I must say that strong and friendly big dogs from the Canadian island of Newfoundland are welcome all over the world. The advantage of this breed is the complete absence of aggression and hunting instincts. These dogs cannot offend either humans or animals.

It’s all about what qualities of animals were in demand in the harsh conditions of the island. Dogs with webbed feet and water-repellent coats are good swimmers. Strong dogs help people pull nets, carry goods, and even navigate the sea. A long service to people has taught Newfoundlands a certain independence, dogs make excellent decisions in extreme situations. The breed has shown itself to be a good companion and helper to humans, Newfoundlands get along well with children, thanks to their endless patience.

Newfoundlands got into the Guinness Book of Records as the strongest dog. In 1979, the dog Barbara Alles Dark Hans, weighing only 44 kg, was able to pull a wagon with a load of 2 tons.


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Alabai (weight – 50-80 kg, height – 70-75 cm)


Alabai, or the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, has been in the service of man since very ancient times. So, in Turkmenistan, archaeologists have found terracotta figurines of the II-IV centuries, which are dedicated to large broad-chested dogs with an impressive head. For centuries, these shepherd dogs have been protecting their owners, guarding houses and herding herds. It is only outwardly that the Alabai seem slow – they have a quick reaction and a difficult stern disposition.

Alabai are also known as Turkmen wolfhounds. Today, the breed is considered a symbol of this country. And in November 2020, a 15-meter gilded monument to Alabai was even installed in Ashgabat. The largest representative of the breed lives today in Russia. Shepherd named Bulldozer weighs 125 kg and eats 5 kg of meat and 10 liters of porridge per day.

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Moscow watchdog (weight – 55-65 kg, height – 68-78 cm)

Moscow watchdog

This breed was bred artificially and relatively recently – in the middle of the last century. The Moscow watchdog combined the best features of the St. Bernard, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog and the Russian Pinto Hound: the monumental appearance and strength of mountain rescuers, the ferocity and unpretentiousness of the Caucasian shepherds, but at the same time the mobility and perseverance of the hounds. The breed turned out to be stronger, hardier and more muscular than its main prototypes.

Moscow watchdogs are balanced, but at the same time fearless dogs. They are excellent guards and bodyguards. Experts assign this breed the second place in terms of protective qualities after the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

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Scottish Deerhound (weight – 40-50 kg, height – 75-80 cm)

Scottish Deerhound

The first mention of these tireless hunters can be found in medieval chronicles, and the ancestors of the breed are carved on stone slabs from the 1st century. It is believed that the owners of the Scottish deer greyhounds did not need weapons when hunting – powerful dogs themselves drove and killed even large wild deer. This breed is distinguished by an excellent sense of smell and an instant reaction, the dogs move across rough terrain without any problems.

But as soon as the hunt is over, the deerhound becomes affectionate and balanced. The dog easily remembers commands, gets along well with children. But these dogs perceive cats and other small animals only as potential prey.

I must say that the Scottish Deerhound is a very rare breed. In addition to the homeland, it is also bred in America. The slender and graceful greyhound Haikori, who won twice at the most famous American exhibition – the Westminster show, won fame for herself. In 2007, this greyhound became the best puppy, and in 2011 – the best hunting dog.

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Komondor (weight – 50-60 kg, height – 70-80 cm)


This dog is also known as the Hungarian Shepherd Dog. Among all other large breeds, the commander stands out for his appearance – this is a real wolf in sheep’s clothing. Peaceful appearance with long, twisted hair, combined with the shepherd’s strength and powerful jaws. Thanks to the unusual cover, the dog is both protected from overheating and camouflaged among the sheep. Cynologists believe that such an unusual coat is a legacy from their ancestors, shaggy shepherd dogs. But the Hungarians like the legend about the appearance of the komondor as a result of the connection between a wolf and a sheep.

Strong immunity allows dogs to adapt to any weather conditions. A calm nature helps to establish interaction with people. Today, the komondors, as before, herd flocks of sheep and serve as watchmen.

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Russian canine greyhound (weight – 36-60 kg, height – 75-86 cm)

Russian borzoi

This rating also includes representatives of the old Russian breed. Russian greyhounds are sophisticated and graceful creatures. For the first time, such dogs are mentioned in documents of the 13th century. Five centuries later, greyhounds became the favorites of Russian nobles and tsars.

Strong, dynamic and light dogs could accelerate to 90 km / h, which made the flight from the side of the prey pointless. Leo Tolstoy, an avid hunter, wrote about this breed: “A dog runs with its heart, not with its feet.” Today, the Russian greyhound is one of the top 15 hunting breeds in the world.

But outside of hunting, these animals are very calm and even delicate, not imposing on the owner and not even disturbing him with their barking. But in response, the greyhounds expect a similar courtesy to them. These dogs endure punishment very painfully. And it was the Russian canine greyhound that was honored to become a symbol of the Russian Cynological Federation.

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