
In mid-June, Intel exclusively launched the Arc desktop game card in China. The first product is the Arc A380, with a domestic suggested price of 1030 yuan.

The Arc A380 graphics card is also based on the new Xe HPG micro-architecture. It integrates 8 Xe cores (which can be roughly understood as 128 units), 8 ray tracing units, and fully supports DX12 Ultimate, hardware ray tracing and other technologies.

The video memory is 96-bit wide, and the capacity is up to 6GB GDDR6, surpassing all products in the same level.

Now the question is, how much money can Intel earn with the 1030 yuan A380 graphics card? This is to calculate its cost. Some foreign netizens did some detailed calculations to estimate the cost and profit of the A380 graphics card.

The calculation process is more complicated. In short, the foundry price of TSMC’s 6nm chip wafer is about US$10,000. Based on the area of ​​the A380, the cost of chip manufacturing is US$28, and the cost of packaging and testing is about US$34.If Intel sets aside 20% of the gross profit,Then the cost of the GPU chip that the graphics card manufacturer gets is about $40.

If you count the cost of 6GB GDDR6 video memory, PCB substrate, packaging, etc.,Then the bill of materials for the A380 graphics card is about $80.

The domestic price of 1030 yuan is about 159 US dollars, so it seems that the profit margin of the graphics card manufacturers is quite high, but 20% of the dealer’s profit must be deducted, so the dealer’s shipping price is actually 128 US dollars. The price the dealer got was $102.

In this way, the profit left to the graphics card manufacturer is only 102-80=2 US dollars, and the gross profit margin is about 22/80=28%.

From the perspective of the whole process, the gross profit margin of Intel’s GPU chips is only 20%, and the gross profit rate of graphics card manufacturers is only 28%, which is not a huge profit.

The actual cost may be different from what netizens estimate.But on the whole, Intel’s pricing of the first graphics card is still very conscientious, and there is no rush to make money.After all, if you count the research and development expenses in the front, you may still lose money.

How much does the Arc A380 graphics card cost at 1030 yuan? Intel is really good this time

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Xianruiarticle error correction

Hashtag: Graphics cardIntelIntel Arc A380

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