
The Walking Dead: Last Mile is a curious multimedia project which combines video game of gestin, decision-making and a tram that advances depending on cmo play the community. Following an initiative edited by Facebook Gaming and Skybound Entertainment that will take place on the same night – at 1:00 pm (Spanish penal hour) on March 12- with a primer event interactive massive; this direct transmission will serve to “configure history and explain cmo the spectators can help decide the route of the survivors”.

Today we start the beta of the facet ms video game The Walking Dead: Last Milean accessible experience from the Instant Game of Facebook Gaming, for that matter does not require downloads or installations; We can simply access the game from PC, iOS and Android to create our character, see the cinematographic scene from the front (which varies depending on the actions of the whole community) and follow them to help you advance in a determined direction.

One The Walking Dead: Last Mile we will live one new adventure in the universe of this popular zombie license. Nos llevar a una Alaska apocalptica in that new characters of two factions tendrn that sobrevivir to the devastator fro that characterizes the regin as the hordes of shepherds that are encountered during their incursin. Our actions during the afectarn party to get off the tram, que tendr to sus protios protagonistas with independent motivations based on his personality.

It’s a visual novel and a gesture gamesimultaneously a stream very different from Twitch and an interactive drama like them The Walking Dead of Telltale Games, and at the same time a handful of mini-games for kids and a communal experience with the Twitch Plays Pokmon “, we look at our impressions of this particular project.

Bajo estas lneas podis ver una galera with images of The Walking Dead: Last Mile.

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