
Can’t remember your Apple ID password, want to update it, or have another problem where you need to change it? Read on for how to reset your Apple ID password.

There are several ways to change your Apple ID password. Below, we’ll walk you through the process on iPhone, iPad, and Mac, and how to make changes from any device on the web, or even if you’ve forgotten your current password.

How to reset your Apple ID password

Reset Apple ID password on iPhone, iPad and Mac

Open the Preferences app (System Preferences/System Preferences on Mac). Choose your name. Click “Password & Security”. Select “Change Password” at the top. right corner

Here’s what it looks like on iPhone:

If you know your password, reset it online

If you know your password, sign in with your Apple ID (appleid.apple.com) Tap “Password” at the top (if you don’t see it, make sure “Sign in and security” is selected on the far left) Enter your current password, then your new password, then confirm it by entering it again. Click Change Password.
How to reset your Apple ID password online

Reset your Apple ID password if you don’t remember it

If you need to reset your forgotten Apple ID password, please visit the Apple website (https://iforgot.apple.com/password/verify/appleid). Follow the instructions to recover your account and set a new password.

Somewhat related, a new security feature coming to iOS 16 this fall is called Security Check. Find out how it works in our complete guide:

Additional lessons on:

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