
The Krafton editor and developer Striking Distance Studios he showed up gameplay indito de The Callisto Protocolthe first prize of the studio founded by Glen Schofield, creator of the saga Dead Space. The Mid-North American Game Informer has published an interview of one six minutes with the creative director of the adventure of accin and terror, donde se ensean four playable sections never before shown.

In Schofield’s conversation, I’m about to leave Sledgehammer Games, here’s one retire in the desert donde comenz to think ideas for his new project; y tambin habla sobre cmo the final, on the contrary that in Dead Spaceha ido mutando since conceptualizing general history. You can see the full interview on this topic, but you will find it here directly to the playable sections the brands continue.

El gameplay mustardo is brief, but interesting as he shows one rea que no habamos visto: A substructure structure in illuminated open ruins. And el minute 1:25 the protagonist appears combating scoop in mano a robusto enemigo. And el minute 2:33 cominza otra seccin en la misma zona, showrando el tipo de sobresaltos a lo train de la bruja that we can hope for the experience. Por ltimo, en el minute 4:20 se ensean dos tipos de enemigos: an explosive that is arrested by the pillar and another creature with partition armor which was presumably a security guard of the circle of the moon of Jpiter where the adventure takes place.

A jbilo trimester for fans of terror adventures

The Callisto Protocol llega el December 2 on PC, PS5, Xbox Series, PS4 and Xbox One. But it is not the only adventure of terror and excuse that we can enjoy in the first months. Less than two months later, the 27th of January 2023, will be available Dead Space Remake for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series. Y otros dos meses despus se estrena Resident Evil 4 Remake: March 24 for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series. Adems, October 28 reads Expansin Winters for Resident Evil 8: Villagewhich includes a continuation of the story in third person.

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