—Anton Gvozdikov / Shutterstock.com

According to the United Nations, the Earth will soon be completely overpopulated since by November 15 of this year, we will be eight billion inhabitants on Earth. India will now be among the most populous countries and will even overtake China. Indeed, since 1950, the world has experienced a great demographic growth and this continues until now. According to the UN, by 2050 there will be about 9.7 billion people and by the end of this century the figure will increase to 10.4 billion. The good news is that this represents a reduction of 300 million people in 2100 compared to forecasts made 3 years ago.

Studies conducted to find out how such growth could have happened

The Earth will cross the bar of eight billion people before the end of the year, according to a study of ONU. Researchers from the University of Washington in the United States had also carried out researches on their side. In 2020, they claimed that by 2064, the world’s population would reach 9.73 billion. According to them, the increase in education for men and women allows a decline in fertility. In addition, the use of contraception also limits births.

Therefore, thanks to education, the world population could decrease. Indeed, for its part, in 2018, the European Commission Joint Research Center also gave a number. According to him, by 2070 and 2080, the inhabitants of the Earth will reach 9.8 billion. On the other hand, with the high rate of education, this figure could drop to 8.9 billion in 2060. But in addition to education, science also evolves strongly as well as the standard of living. As a result, the mortality rate decreases. However, in countries like Africa, the birth rate is increasing.

land population
— Varavin88 / Shutterstock.com

An old population

The fertility rate had dropped considerably. Moreover, two-thirds of the world’s population lives in situations where the fertility rate has fallen by 2.1 births. That is to say that a child will replace both parents when the mortality rate is so low.

Especially since during the Covid-19 pandemic, life expectancy has decreased since children, young people and even adults have lost their lives. In contrast, in other countries, the pandemic has driven up the number of births, especially since borders were closed. Although the decline in the fertility rate is an asset for reducing overpopulation, it causes the population to age.

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