Scientists have made a new discovery in our galaxy: alcohol molecules. Explanations.
A team from the Max-Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Germany discovered a veritable cloud of alcohol molecules. According to specialists, it is of the largest alcohol molecules never found in space. They are located not far from the center of the Milky Way, near Sagittarius B2, an interstellar region close to Sagittarius A, a supermassive black hole hidden in the center of our galaxy.
Two types of alcohol have been discovered: isopropanol, used to make hand sanitizer, and normal, clinically similar propanol. Findings that will allow us to better understand the regions of star incubators and therefore better understand how stars are formed.
“The detection of the two isomers of propanol is particularly powerful in determining the mechanism of formation of each”explained in a press release Rob Garrod of the University of Virginia, co-author of one of the of them new articles published in the journal Astronomy Astrophysics. “Because they look so similar, they physically behave very similarly, which means that both molecules should be present in the same places at the same time. »
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