
Researchers at the American Rice University have found a rather clever way in which they can use dead spiders as robotic claws.

Apparently, the experiment was started after the researchers found a dead spider in their laboratory and asked themselves why spiders’ legs curl up when they die. This is because spiders’ legs are controlled by the blood flow that is pumped out of the spider’s body, when the spiders then die, blood pressure in the legs disappears and these then curl up.

This led the researchers to start experimenting with providing dead spiders with an artificial blood pressure, something that allowed them to function as claws, which you can see an example of in the video below. The researchers call their technology “necrobotics” and say it could be used, for example, when assembling microelectronics.

That someone would start using dead spiders to assemble circuit boards and other things for commercial purposes is probably not very likely. But that remains to be seen.


Gadgets Robots,

spiders, animal fever, necrobotic, necrobotic



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