
Koch Media releases Cardboard Sword’s debut title: The Siege and the Sandfox.

The 16-bit style game isn’t just a 2D Metroidvania, it wants to be a stealthvania and will be released for PC in 2023.

More than just stealth

Stealth isn’t the only aspect that is the focus of The Siege and the Sandfox. Parcour features also play a role.

You play the eponymous warrior Sandfox, once a protector of the crown. After an assassination of the king, you must use your invisibility cloak to enter the ruins beneath the palace to face the real threat to the kingdom.

Your goal is to move through the world as unnoticed as possible, eliminating potential threats should the need arise.

A non-linear exploration of the game world awaits you, while the dynamic music system aims to build tension and underscore danger.

On your adventure you will also meet different characters and find tools that will help you access new areas.

Here’s a first taste of it all:

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