The new versions of Pokémon, Scarlet and Violet, are revealed in a new trailer. Starting November 18 on Nintendo Switch, players will be able to roam the Paldea region.
Pokémon Scarlet and Purple will be Open world RPG, a first for the franchise. You will also be able to play multiplayer. The player will have to join the Pokémon University which will aim to become a treasure hunter. Less linear than previous versions, this new generation will offer three distinct adventures. Players won’t be forced to battle Arena Champions in any specific order. However, we will have to wait a little longer to find out more.
Size change: the two legendary Pokémon, Miraidon and Koraidon, can be obtained at the beginning of the adventure and you can even ride them! They will be able to move on Earth in the form of a motorcycle, fly and even swim.
Last novelty: players will be able to discover a new mechanic: Teracrystallization. During a battle, you can crystallize your Pokémon to strengthen its abilities. It may even change the type of your Pokemon.
On the Pokemon side, new creatures have been seen in the trailer. A new type of Axoloto will notably be available as well as Patachiot and Balbaleze. So, are you looking forward to discovering these new versions? Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are already available for pre-order.
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