— krumanop / Shutterstock.com

In France and around the world, there are many laws that are unusual to say the least. For the most part, they either became obsolete but were never repealed, or they are totally stupid. Among them, there is one in France which is quite special: it is forbidden to call your pig Napoleon.

Know this, if you own a pig, you cannot call it Napoleon. This law, dating from the 19th century, was intended not to tarnish the image of the emperor. It is not known exactly when this law came into effect, whether it is the 1st or the Second Empirebut it was in any case during the 19th century.

The pig has always had a bad reputation. It is indeed associated with the farm and waste. The emperor was deemed susceptible, which may explain such a decision. However, don’t worry, it is always possible to call your pig Louis, Charlemagne, César…

George Orwell must not have been aware of this law, since in Animal Farm, the pig is called Napoleon. Other strange laws exist, in France and around the world: for example, France officially banned Parisian women from wearing pants until 2013, or France can still declare a state of emergency in Algeria, and this , despite independence. In Arkansas, it is forbidden to shower naked, or in Malawi, to have gas in public.

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