Today (June 30),The live-action film series adapted from the hot-blooded national comic “Soul Street” created by well-known cartoonist Xu Chen announced the launch. This work will be directed by Cheng Weihao, the director of “Soul Hunt”.
“Street of Souls” is an online comic that Xu Chen signed and serialized exclusively in DreamWorks.In January 2012, Jilin Fine Arts Publishing House began to sell the comic book, and Hong Kong, China Youying Culture Communication Co., Ltd. released the comic book.
The story takes place in a world where human beings and spirits coexist, and only those who have guardian spirits can enter Zhensoul Street. Cao Yanbing, the soul-saver who shoulders the task of guarding, meets Xia Ling, a girl who strayed into this place, and the two embark on a thrilling journey to save the world.
Hashtag: Comics Movie Animation
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