When you open a box containing 1,432 pieces, you’re struck by two things: it’s a hell of a lot of Lego pieces, and thank goodness it’s not all packed in one bag.
Rating 5 out of 5
It doesn’t matter how old you are, building Lego gets the brain going and when you’ve built something as advanced as a Formula 1 car, you’ll be cozied up with pleasure.
- Funny!
- Pedagogical manual
- Patience testing
Lego’s McLaren is based on last year’s McLaren car. Secrecy in the f1 world is great and most likely nothing even resembling the 2022 car was allowed to leave McLaren’s offices before the car was launched.
The car is part of Lego’s Technic series, which means more advanced stuff. And of course it is an advanced model. Just like the real car, this model features a V6 cylinder engine with moving pistons, steering, suspension and differential gear.
It’s a lot of fiddling with parts to get the car together. And that’s exactly how Lego should be. Sitting engrossed in one of the tedious building instructions and slowly but surely putting the car together is really relaxing. Except when you discover that a vital part of the steering is misassembled, meaning you have to take half the car apart to repair the damage.

But such things belong. After all, the manual is incredibly educational and all the Lego pieces are packed in different bags marked with a number. Technically, it’s impossible to make mistakes, but then there’s that human factor…
Sitting in front of a desk full of Legos is like reading a damn good book. It’s hard to stop once you start.

If you suffer from withdrawal now that the f1 circus is on summer break, then this is something for you. Or if you have children aged 11-12, then this could be a perfect way to spend time together.

Manufacturer: Lego
Model: 42141
Number of pieces: 1,432
Difficulty level: Yep
Award: Costs SEK 1,590 at Amazon
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