
If the future of tomb Raider in the cinema is for the moment compromised, a new game is well and truly in preparation at Crystal Dynamics, which recently came under the umbrella of Embracer Group. This next episode should be very different from the last ones, since the trilogy on the “beginnings” of Lara Croft (following the reboot) is now over, which means that we will now be entitled to a much more experienced heroine. And this is what seems to confirm the first echoes around the scenario of this new opus, which have leaked and which have been shared by Sacred Symbols and VGC.

Lara takes the lead

A script for actors and actresses auditioning for this new episode of tomb Raider was inadvertently revealed, and this one tells us some juicy details about Lara’s next adventure. Obviously, this information must be taken with a grain of salt, given the nature of the script, which may change considerably as the project progresses.

But we still learn that this episode goes by the code name “ Project Jawbreaker ». The team would be looking fora British actress in her thirties to play Lara Croft, having a similar profile to actresses Emily Blunt and Rosamund Pike. On the notes concerning this cast, we also see mention of a romance with another female character.

Lara is portrayed as being at the top of her game, far more experienced than before, and no longer distracted by her family heritage and past. She is now well known in the tabloids, and has a well-established career.

Tomb Raiders Gathering

The game would take place well in the present, while the world is ” shaken by a mysterious cataclysm “. To cope, Lara will need help. The script mentions a ” problem too big to solve alone » :

In this new adventure, Lara will face a challenge that she can only meet with a team by her side.. Collaboration is foreign to her: she has always succeeded alone, so in this situation, she is like a fish out of water. »

The script even makes mention of a new generation of ” tomb raiders », which may mean that Lara will associate with other adventurers that she may have to train. In other words, the adventure will this time be less solitary. What to expect several playable characters?

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