
On the day of the opening of the Chongqing Auto Show, the new car force, Leap Run, was suspected of encountering an incident of on-site rights protection of car owners. As the “reserved program” of the auto show, GAC Aian was also involved. On June 26, the second day of the Chongqing Auto Show, in the GAC Aian exhibition area, a car owner raised a banner to defend his rights on the spot. The car owner said that he encountered 4S and sold the accident car as a new car. Afterwards, not long after the banner was pulled up, it was torn down by the security personnel at the scene. At the same time, the auto show party also took out a black cloth to cover it. In response to the video, on June 30, according to Southern Metropolis Daily, there was a new progress in the Chongqing Auto Show GAC Aian car owner rights protection incident: the rights protection incident was caused by the warehouse management staff accidentally scratching the car when moving the car, and privately painting it for repair. The user’s appeal has been properly resolved. In fact, as a “new force” in traditional brands, GAC Aion’s sales performance is outstanding. The data shows that GAC Aion sold 21,056 units in May, a year-on-year increase of 150%, and the cumulative sales from January to May was 76,142 units, a year-on-year increase. 122%. Among them, AIONS sold 10,503 units, occupying the seventh place in the new energy vehicle sales list for the month, while another hot-selling model AIONY also sold .
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