
A few days ago, as a giant in the mobile phone industry, HTC actually released a new mobile phone, claiming to be the first metaverse mobile phone – Desire 22 Pro. According to reports, from July 1 (today), the HTC Desire 22 Pro has been launched in Taiwan, China, priced at NT$11,990, equivalent to about 2,700 yuan. The main feature of the machine is the functions related to the Universe and the Metaverse. It has built-in Viverse App for the entrance to the Metaverse, Vive Avatar for creating virtual clones, and Vive Wallet for managing virtual assets. It is recommended to use it with its own Vive Flow glasses. In order to facilitate users’ access to the Metaverse, HTC will also launch a set with Vive Flow, which is priced at NT$23,490, which is equivalent to about 5,300 yuan. According to HTC, users can store their assets in VIVE Wallet at this stage, and Wallet can be used as their passport in VIVERSE in the future. As for the mobile phone body, there are indeed some.
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