Many people enjoy collecting shells and oddly shaped pebbles. A family enjoying a beach in the city of Denmark, Western Australia, found much more than that: a new species of sponge crab.
Lamarckdromia beagle
Described in the review Zootaxa, the strange specimen was sent to the Western Australian Museum, where it was studied by marine biologists from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. This thorough examination revealed that it was a brand new species of sponge crab of the family of Dromiidaebaptized Lamarckdromia beagle in reference to Charles Darwin’s research vessel.
” This species turns out to be much more shaggy than the other two known and surprisingly soft, with a beautiful fiery color “, Explain Andrew Hosiecurator at Western Australian Museum. ” Although we can’t really give a definitive answer, it’s likely that such an attribute helps him camouflage his paws.. »
Picked up by the crabs and cut with their little claws so that they perfectly fit the shape of their head, the living sponges which they use as headgear would offer them additional protection against predators.
” We could compare them to the shells used by hermit crabs “, Explain Hosie. ” These particular species help the crab blend in more easily with the marine environment and also produce a highly toxic substance, making this squishy hat a great deterrent against octopuses and fish.. »
A rather rare species
It is interesting to note that this is not the first Lamarckdromia beagle discovered. Comparing the creature found on the Australian beach to other incomplete specimens in the museum’s collection, researchers were surprised to find a match with a specimen stored since 1925.
The newly described species is rather rare. Scientists believe it lives in shallow water, most often near pier posts and areas known to harbor large sponge populations.
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