
Cory Barlog, Creative Director of Santa Monica Studios. Twitter to empiecen a better treat video game developers tras el acoso que recibi una desarrolladora de God of War: Ragnarok (va VGC). The controversy has spread to several countries insiders of the industry, the launch event of the new adventure of Kratos debera haberse has shown, algo that finally not ocurri and motive to mtiples users to acosar to its managers in speeches.

Estelle Tigani, one of the principal developers of God of War: Ragnarokdenunci a travs de su profil personal que I was receiving explicit photographs on the part of users who demand the closing of the title. To denounce the accusation and show his support for Tigani, Barlog commented as follows: “Are you taking care of me now? (The developers) “.

Phil Spencer respald the posture of Barlog

Without embarrassment, there is no need for Barlog’s intervention on the issue of acoustic insiders that haban affirmed that the revelation of the fecha will be ayer, June 30th. “No lo hagas. La respuesta no es encontrar a alguien a quien culpar o enfocar el odio. Tal vez slo hay que pagar y tratar a la gente que hace las cosas que amamos con algo de decancia human y respecto. This is not a battle, we are not at war. “Let’s try and get rid of those things,” Barlog said.

Phil Spencer, Xbox boss, applauded Barlog’s intervention and showed his interest in playing Ragnarok while waiting for the sale. “Very good dicho Cory. I can not hope to enjoy it GoW when selling. Thank you to the team for the incredible work that everyone creates for us. Thank you “, said Spencer.

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