
In a recent interview, Peter Moore looked back on his time at Microsoft. As Moore explained, among other things, he believes that the video game industry still benefits from the “console war” between the PlayStation and the Xbox.

After the sales figures for the first Xbox were quite manageable at the time, Microsoft’s Xbox division, headed by Peter Moore, launched the Xbox 360 attack on the previously extremely dominant PlayStation. In a recent interview, Moore looked back on his time at Microsoft.

With powerful exclusive titles such as “Halo”, “Gears of War” or “Fable” and numerous partnerships with third-party partners, Microsoft has managed to keep the upper hand over the PlayStation 3 with the Xbox 360. It was only after Don Mattrick took over and shifted the focus primarily to Kinect that the Xbox 360 lost momentum and allowed Sony to close the gap. Another factor troubling Microsoft at the time was the Red Ring of Death, which killed numerous Xbox 360 consoles.

Despite everything, Moore is talking about a successful time and a “console war” from which, in his opinion, the video game industry is still benefiting today.

Microsoft fueled the console war, according to Moore

Moore went on to say that Microsoft deliberately fueled the “console war” under his direction in order to challenge the then dominator Sony. “We started the console war. However, not to create division, but to challenge each other. And when I say each other, I mean Microsoft and Sony. If Microsoft hadn’t stayed the course post-Xbox, post-Red Ring of Death, gaming would be a worse place today. she [Sony] wouldn’t have the competition you have today,” Moore said.

As COO of Sega America, Peter Moore was initially responsible for the North American launch of Sega’s Dreamcast before joining Microsoft in 2003, where he was responsible for the successful launch of the Xbox 360 in late 2005. According to More, one of the biggest challenges was the already mentioned Red Ring of Death and the high failure rate of the first Xbox 360 models.

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At the time, Microsoft provided almost one billion US dollars for the repairs and shipping of the defective consoles. An investment that Moore says was necessary to save the Xbox as a platform itself. “If we hadn’t solved the Red Ring of Death the way we did, I know damn well there wouldn’t be an Xbox today,” Moore added.

Here is the full interview with Peter Moore.

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