
In Spain and the rest of the world we tend to be available from very different places new rates and rewards the Pokmon GO for the actual month of July 2022. As is the tradition of Niantic’s game, it will be updated to receive a new research logarithm and also include new rewards in its field research areas that we can pick up at Pokparadas. If you want conocerlas todasin this note you read mostramos.

During this month July 2022 the log of investigators for the next few days of Pokemon GO are the following:

  • El Pokmon Lickitung *: available to advertise from Friday, July 1, 2022 to 22:00 CEST (13:00 PDT) until Monday, August 1, 2022 to 22:00 CEST (13:00 PDT).

All fees and rewards of July 2022

A continuacin te dejamos el fully listed classified by groups with the campo tareas and their respective reimbursements from the month of July 2022 versin shiny o variocolor):

Launch rates

  • Have 3 great launches: 200 Polvoestelar, 3 Frambu, 1 Pinia, 5 Pok Balls or Enorith *, Lileep * or Snubbull *.
  • Has 5 great ball launch launches following: find with Spinda *.
  • Have 5 good launches: 200 Polvoestelar, 3 Frambu, 1 Pinia, 5 Pok Balls or Encounter with Dunsparce *.
  • Has 3 excellent follow-up launches: find with Gible *.
  • There are 3 great launches to follow: 1000 Polvoestelar, 1 Rare Caramel, 9 Raspberries, 3 Pines, 10 Pok Balls, 5 Ultra Balls or the Onix *.
  • Have 2 good ball launch launches follow: 200 Polvoestelar, 3 Raspberries, 1 Pinia or 5 Pokballs.
  • There are 5 ball curve launches that follow: 500 Polvoestelar, 6 Frambu, 2 Pinia or 5 Super Balls.
  • Have 3 great ball launch launches: 1,000 Polvo Estelar, 1 Caramelo Raro, 9 Frambu, 3 Pinia, 10 Pokballs or 5 Ultra Balls.
  • Have 3 great ball launch launches following: 1,500 Polvoestelar, 3 Caramelo Raro, 2 Frambu Dorada or 10 Ultra Balls.
  • Have 3 good launch launches: 500 Polvoestelar, 2 Pinia, 5 Super Balls or 2 Ultra Balls.

Tareas de lucha

  • Ghana a level 3 or higher incursion: encuentro con Kabuto * u Omanyte *.
  • Ghana 5 incursions: encounter with Aerodactyl *.
  • Combate in League Combates GO: find with Joltik *.
  • Combate with your Comparison: meet with Venonat *.
  • Combat against 2 recruits from Team GO Rocket: find with Grimer *.

Capture rates

  • Capture 5 Pokemon with the best of climate: found with Poliwag *, Vulpix *, Hippopotas * or Snover *.
  • Capture 5 Pokmon: encuentro con Baltoy *, Cubone * o Swinub *.
  • Capture 5 Pokemon of the Roca type: encuentro con Diglett * o Diglett de Alola *.
  • Capture a Dragon-type Pokemon: 1500 Polvoestelar, 3 Caramelo raro, 2 Frambu Dorada, 10 Ultra Balls o encuentro con Dratini * o Bagon *.
  • Capture 7 Pokmon: encuentro con Magikarp *.
  • Capture 10 Pokmon: 200 Polvoestelar, 3 Raspberries, 1 Pinia or 5 Pok Balls.
  • Usa 5 Bayas para ayudarte a capturar Pokmon: 500 Polvoestelar, 6 Frambu, 2 Pinia, 5 Super Balls or encuentro con Trapinch *, Geodude * o Phanpy *.
  • Capture 10 Pokmon: 200 Polvoestelar, 3 Raspberries, 1 Pinia or 5 Pok Balls.
  • Capture 10 Pokemon with the best of climate: 500 Polvoestelar, 6 Frambu, 2 Pinia or 5 Super Balls.
  • Capture a Ditto: 1,500 Polvoestelar, 3 Caramelo Raro, 2 Frambu Doradas or 10 Ultra Balls.
  • Capture 10 Normal Tipmon Pokmon: 10 Megaenerga de Pidgeot, 500 Polvoestelar, 6 Frambu, 2 Pinia o 5 Super Balls.
  • Capture 10 Fumon Pokemon Tip: 10 Megaenerga de Charizard, 6 Frambu, 2 Pinia, 500 polvosestelares o 5 Super Balls.
  • Captura 10 Pokemon type Agua: 10 Megaenerga de Blastoise, 6 Frambu, 2 Pinia, 500 polvosestelares o 5 Super Balls.
  • Capture 10 Plant Types Pokemon: 10 Megaenerga de Venusaur, 6 Frambu, 2 Pinia, 500 polvosestelares o 5 Super Balls.

Tareas de Compaero

  • Interchange a Pokemon: find with Graveler.
  • Send 3 regalos and aggregate a pegatina to each one: meet with Hitmonchan * or Hitmonlee *.
  • Camina 2 km con tu Compaero: find with Eevee *.
  • Ghana 2 caramels combining with your Compaero: find with Bunnelby *.
  • Ghana 3 races with your Comparison: find with Stunfisk.
  • Play with your Comparison: encuentro con Chinchou *.

Tareas varies

  • Evolution and Pokemon: find with Eevee *.
  • Get an instant save from a Pokemon: found with Murkrow *, Hoppip *, Yanma * or 1 Roca del Rey.
  • Get an instant Pokemon salvaje tipo Roca: find with Rhyhorn *.
  • Gira 3 Pokparadas o Gimnasios: 500 Polvoestelar, 6 Raspberries, 2 Pines, 5 Pok Balls or with Sudowoodo *.
  • Gira 5 Pokparadas o Gimnasios: find with Ralts *.
  • Eclosiona un huevo: meet with Mantine * or Larvitar *.
  • Eclosiona 2 horses: encuentro con Beldum *.

Tareas de dar ms poder

  • You can have a Pokemon 3 times: found with Bulbasaur *, Charmander * or Squirtle *.
  • You can play a Pokemon 5 times: encuentro con Chikorita *, Cyndaquil * o Totodile *.
  • You can play a Pokemon 7 times: encuentro con Treecko *, Torchic * o Mudkip *.
  • You can play a Pokemon 5 times: 10 of Megaenerga of Venusaur, Charizard or Blastoise.
  • You can play a Pokemon 5 times: 10 of Megaenerga of Pidgeot or Beedrill.
  • You can have a Pokemon 10 times: 20 of Megaenerga of Gyarados.

Tareas de mapeo AR

  • Mapeo AR: 3 Superpocin, 3 Revivir, 10 Pok Balls and 5 Ultra Balls.
  • Mapeo AR: 1 Pinia plateada.
  • Mapeo AR: 1 MT of fast attack.
  • Mapeo AR: 1 MT of charged cargo.
  • Mapeo AR: Piedra Sinnoh.
  • Mapeo AR: 1 Pokocho.

Pokmon GO is an augmented Reality ttulo available free for Android and iOS from the year 2016. If you are interested in joining ms del juego no dudes in ojear nuestra complete gua with tricks and tips que te sern de gran ayuda.

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