This is a special moment for Apex Legends as the new game update released soon by Respawn modifies the iconic Kings Canyon map. Welcome to Season 14!
A new version of the Canyon map, more balanced
Predation is indeed the next major update of Apex Legends which will be the opportunity to highlight Vantage, a new legend who happens to be an outstanding sniper.
But the update will also bring major changes to the Kings Canyon map with Relic, a new point of interest born from the destruction of Skulltown, as well as the opening of the Cage much to the chagrin of campers. Old buildings that existed in the Old Relay are also returning and some passages have been blocked, such as the connection to the Destroyed Bridges or the one in the caves between the Market Square and the River Center.
Overall, Kings Canyon also got a lighting overhaul and the developers believe it has never looked better. See you on August 9 to discover all these new features!
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