
On June 29, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the cancellation of the “asterisk” mark on the communication itinerary card. As soon as the news came out, it was directly searched on Weibo. Since then, the discussion around this topic has become more and more popular. On the second day (June 30), Wu Zunyou posted on Weibo to interpret the significance of the move by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. He also pointed out that the “star picking” of the itinerary card does not mean the relaxation of the dynamic clearing policy, nor does it mean that China will go to Western countries. Prevention and control of the so-called “lying flat” route. Rather, it is “a concrete manifestation of the precise implementation of prevention and control strategies and measures.” More importantly, this regulation also includes a series of benefits that are conducive to the implementation of the new version of the new crown prevention and control plan, and no longer provide any excuses for those excessive epidemic prevention, or even “overriding” epidemic prevention practices. Although Wu Zunyou’s speech above caused a lot of controversy, the information revealed in it is still very important. In essence, behind the “star picking” of the itinerary card, not only the immediate favorable travel, but also another possibility of changing the thinking of prevention and control. why& .
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