Still a few days before the release of Thor Love & Thunder (July 13 in France, July 8 in the United States), but part of the press has already been able to see the film. This is our case for example, since we were treated to a screening on June 24 before being able to access the press conference and ask the actors a few questions. Taika Waititi, the director, was also present and the latter also chained a few junkets. In an interview with IGN, the New Zealand filmmaker was asked about the design of Gorr The God Butcher, played by Christian Bale. It must be said that since the trailers, the character has swapped his alien look for that of a more human being. If some analysts imagined that it was an artistic choice to allow Christian Bale to explode his talent, Taika Waititi makes us a more than surprising revelation…

Unfortunately, his face in the comic books looks a little too much like Voldemort and, you know, people are going to make the connection right away… So, so we decided to stray from the design a little bit, while still retaining elements of the tone in general, the fact that he has this sword. But what matters most is his story, which was most important to us.

There will therefore be no transformation of the character during the film as some envisaged, the design seen in the trailers will indeed be the one we will see in the final cut. He remains a mysterious character, dark and with a specific objective: to kill all the existing gods including Thor and The Mighty Thor played by Nathalie Portman. It remains to be seen whether this different look will be appreciated by the fans…

The post we know why Gorr does not look like the dan design appeared first on Gamingsym.