
Recently, the most popular anchor in the live broadcast circle is Dong Yuhui of New Oriental. He single-handedly made the stock of New Oriental Online soar, from less than 1 million fans in 20 days to more than 20 million fans.

But there are many people who are popular,Some opportunists are also eyeing Dong Yuhui’s trademark squatting.

According to previous reports, after checking the official website of the Trademark Office of the State Intellectual Property Office, the trademark “Dong Yuhui” was recently applied for registration by Shanghai Borunteng Industrial Co., Ltd., natural person Chu Moumou, etc. The international classification includes coffee, tea, rice noodles, chocolate, cakes, sweets, Convenience food, feed seeds, etc.

In response, Dong Yuhui himself also responded in a recent live broadcast, saying, “This company should have a low IQ.”

Because Dong Yuhui’s classmates at the Trademark Office told him,Without his own consent, it is impossible for such a trademark to be successfully registered.

Therefore, Dong Yuhui also mentioned that reading is really important, otherwise you won’t even be able to take advantage of it.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Jian Jiaarticle error correction

Hashtag: Dong Yuhui New Oriental Oriental Selection Trademark

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