It is during the 24h maintenance from July 4th to 5th introducing the 6.18 update that four new worlds will be added in Europe. The opportunity is also to finally unlock travel between data centers in the same region, which until now were completely separate.
At a previous press releasewe announced our two-stage expansion plan for data processing centers in Europe.
The first of these two stages should be implemented next Tuesday, July 5, with the arrival of update 6.18, adding two new Worlds for each of the centers (Chaos and Light), for a total of four new Worlds.
New Worlds added to Chaos Data Center
New Worlds added to Light Data Center
* Deployment of Update 6.18 will include data center expansion as well as the addition of inter-data center travel, and will require a 24-hour maintenance window.
About New Worlds
You can get bonuses by creating new characters in these Worlds, or by choosing to make it your new Home World.
However, please note that during the maintenance preceding the deployment of 6.18, the Home World change service will be discontinued. It will be restored when the Japan and Europe data center expansion is complete, but also once the new feature implemented with 6.18, inter-data center travel, is considered stable enough. The date of resumption of this service will be communicated to you later.
Bonus for creating a character in a new World
Bonus awarded on first login
- Double experience gain (until level 79)
- 10 silver chocobo quills redeemable for low- and mid-level gear
Bonus obtained for any character created in a new World reaching level 30 in any class
- 1 million gil (*1)
- 15 days of free play (*2)
*1 Can only be obtained once per service account. You will no longer be eligible if you have benefited from an identical bonus in the past.
*2 Can only be obtained once per service account when creating a character on a new or designated world.
Bonus when transferring from the Home World
- Transfer to the new Home World for free (*3)
- Double experience gain (up to level 79) (valid for 90 days after transfer)
- 10 golden chocobo quills redeemable for special items like rare mounts
- Compensation in gil for people who own a house or apartment(*4)
*3 Does not apply when transferring from a new World to another new World.
*4 The transfer of Homeworld must be requested after the removal of all the furniture and the demolition of the house, but imperatively before abandoning the land or apartment. Otherwise, the compensation mentioned above will not apply.
To find out more about the bonuses related to new Worlds, Click here.
New Worlds will retain this status until their number of active players reaches a certain threshold. As soon as a World is removed from the list of new Worlds, the above bonuses will cease to apply. However, bonuses valid from 90 days after the creation of a character will always be applied, regardless of the classification of the World.
About buying homes
Acquiring housing on new Worlds will only be possible again once the expansion of Japan and Europe’s datacenters is complete, but also once travel between datacenters is deemed stable enough, after the release of 6.18. The exact date of the resumption will be announced later.
In the 4 new Worlds added, the acquisition of housing will only be done by drawing lots.
Pending the resumption, access to the various residential areas will be limited for a certain period of time. For people wishing to complete the side quests below, it will be necessary to use inter-world travel.
- “The house of my dreams in Brumée”
- “The house of my dreams in La Coupe”
- “The house of my dreams in Lavandière”
- “The idyllic setting of Shirogane”
- “Empyrean, Open Sky”
Travel between data centers
(Explanations taken from official summary of the 69th Letter from the Producer Live of April 30, 2022)
Traveling between data centers will allow players to socialize and participate in missions with other people on different data centers.
Visiting characters who use this feature will have it displayed next to their character name.
In addition to restrictions similar to those that apply when using the Worlds visitation system, features such as Free Company Chat, LSIM (Inter-World Linkshell), and Teams PvP will be restricted when visiting another data center.
In 6.2, we plan to allow players to join LSIMs located in their destination datacenter when using inter-datacenter travel.
Unlike the World Visit system, the specs do not allow characters to initiate datacenter travel while in-game. Therefore, travel between datacenters will be initiated from the character selection menu.
By selecting a character and opening the list of subcommands, you will be able to select the Travel to Data Center option and choose which Data Center to visit. From there, returning to the title screen will initiate the process of traveling to the desired data center.
In order to facilitate a secure data transfer, the transfer process cannot be undone. Under normal circumstances, outside of any congestion, the transfer process should take about two to three minutes.
We would appreciate it if you consider the trip between data centers an “extended trip” rather than a “quick visit”.
Once the transfer process is complete, you will be able to connect by selecting your destination World and your character. Returning to your original data center will require the same process.
Traveling between data centers will allow you to participate in content and other activities that you can do using World Tour.
Who among you will move or create a new character on one of the new servers?
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