
No one seems to want to send encouraging awards to others.

The Accolades feature sounds like an interesting idea on paper: after a multiplayer match, you are offered to send an encouraging award to a player you think played well, acted sportsmanship, was helpful, etc. The player then receives the award anonymously and can enjoy it. All players can see how many awards they have received and of what type, which should promote positive interactions on the platform.

But players don’t seem to have seen the greatness of the system, and according to an update on Playstation’s Japanese support page (via ryokutya2089) the feature will begin to be shut down starting in the fall, simply because it is not being used to the extent they expected. Of course there is a chance that this only applies to Japan, but more likely the system will disappear for everyone eventually.

They end the message with a call to continue sending positive messages in the community.

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