
Skysport reports that this year’s World Cup will take the help of digital referees to automatically detect if someone is offside or not.

This will be done via a small manikin that is in the match ball which is then connected to twelve different cameras that create a 3D image that then keeps track of the ball and the players. The technology should let the video referees know if a player is offside just a few seconds after the offside situation occurs.

FIFA’s president, Gianni Infantino, says that this technology has taken around three years to develop and will then ensure that the tournament’s various teams receive correct decisions.

However, technology will still only be a tool for the judges, who in the end are still responsible for what is judged on the pitch.

How well this works in such large contexts remains to be seen when the championship starts on 21 November.


Society, Sports,

Soccer, Soccer World Cup, qatar



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