
Only works on Xbox. Tested on Xbox.

assassins-creed-originsAssassin’s Creed Origins

• Game size: 49.67 GB
• To get back : 75 dots
• Game time required: ? minutes

Complete an objective below. (Gain 1 level/Avenge 1 player).

True revival of the saga, Assassin’s Creed Origins takes the player to meet Bayek to discover the origin of the Assassins in ancient Egypt. Change of scenery guaranteed in a title resolutely turned towards exploration and adventure.

Currently being tested on Xbox.

Works on Xbox, xCloud. Test in progress on Xbox.

Conan Exiles

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
• Game size: 149.14 GB
• To get back : 50 dots
• Game time required: 5 minutes

Create 20 items.

Welcome to the world of Conan the Barbarian. Survival, craft and open world will be on the menu of this multiplayer adaptation of the films of the same name. If the challenge is too great, you can still evolve solo in a world just for you. Displaying almost 150 GB on the scale, Conan Exiles will require a strong internet connection or it may take you a long time to download it. Luckily for you, the xCloud is here.

For the best armed and motivated among you, know that it is possible to complete this game and almost all of the achievements of the title via an administrator panel in the solo options. I will not detail the technique further here on principle, especially since it is not necessarily necessary for the quest. For information, having personally completed the title a long time ago, I could not check if a success unlocks on ignition. Be carefull.

The most dangerous achievement in front of you (if you wish to avoid them) during the first chapter is this one:

The road of kings – 10G
Complete the first chapter of the journey.

The easiest and fastest way is to do the minimum and just aim for the objective requested by the quest. GB:

  • Launch a solo game (offline), finalize your character as soon as possible and choose the first map available, “The Lands of Exile”. Skip the cutscenes and don’t follow the first chapter tutorial or any markers. Instead, directly pick up anything you find with “X”. Concentrate mainly on the twigs and plant fibers in the bushes surrounding.
  • Press “Start” and head to inventory. The crafting submenu is on the right.
  • Manufacture twine against 3 fibers each.
  • After 20 strings createdthe quest will be completed but don’t necessarily wait for a notification. Consider manually controlling quest progress in the console menu or on the mobile app.
  • For your information, by skimming the bushes from the start of the level as well as near the ruins a bit further, you should get enough fibers to complete the quest.
  • “Normally”, no success to fear if you have followed our roadmap. Enjoy!

Works on Xbox, xCloud and PC. Quest completed on xCloud.


• Game size: 368.6 MB
• To get back : 75 dots
• Game time required: 5 minutes

Collect 400 resources.

Game halfway between 2D sandbox and Minecraft, terraria will leave you the choice between exploring sinister caverns or building your own city. But if you like the title, you’ll end up doing both! For the fourth appearance of the Pipeworks Studio title in Xbox Game Pass quests, the challenge will not be more exciting or more complicated, but several cumulative successes on all your games could be unlocked. Special mention to “Tête en l’air”, visibly buggy and particularly capricious. Almost inevitable in fact. At your own risk ladies and gentlemen but I advise you if you are looking at this level to read the entirety of this walkthrough before you start.

  • Start a new game.
  • Select the pickaxe with “LB/RB” in the quick inventory at the top of the screen.
  • Dig below you with the “L” and “R” joysticks while pressing “RT”.
  • Hollow out the ground by digging horizontally (but keeping as few entrances as possible to your cave if not from above) by killing the Surface Slimes who will come and mess with you until the quest is completed. But beware, if you hope avoid any successyou should never spend a full day and night on the card otherwise you risk getting:

Survivor – 15G
Complete a full day and night.

To avoid this, before finishing a full daily cycle (I leave the guesswork to you), quit the game and delete your save before starting again. And if you ever thought jumping into the tutorial might save you, know just open it will unlock:

Terraria Student – ​​5G
You asked for help from the guide!

Literally, you can run the quest in the normal game just fine and quickly, but successes can occurand running the tutorial will immediately punish you with one of them!
For those of you who have already completed quests on this title in the past, some specific successes are to be monitored via the display of success tracking on the interface. Small preview:

Up in the air – 25G
You’re not the type to get ripped off!

This achievement requires not touching the ground for a cumulative total of sixty minutes. Jumping, falling, flying and using the grappling hook are taken into account in the calculation. This achievement seems buggy and will unlock for many players as soon as the game launches. You have been warned.

Bulldozer – 40G
Destroy a total of 10,000 tiles.

No need to explain, it’s all in the title.

Works on Xbox and xCloud. Tested on Xbox.

Game Pass Explorer

• Game size: /
• To get back : 10 dots
• Game time required: 3 minutes

Play 4 different Game Pass games.

Not much to say about this quest except that as a Rewards points hunter that you are, you will have no trouble completing it from the first week, so no need to worry about it. Launching a title without playing it on all media will be counted from the first seconds.


• Game size: /
• To get back : 25 dots
• Game time required: 1 week

Complete 6 daily quests and 4 weekly quests.

Each week, Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription holders can complete respectively four or five quests weekly (one game each week reserved for Ultimate members). Whichever formula you choose, you will be able to collect the points for this quest. since the first day.

Dedication to Quests

• Game size: /
• To get back : 100 dots
• Game time required: 12 days

Complete 12 daily quests and 8 weekly quests.

This mission is special because it is really from there that your subscription can make the difference. Due to card activity requirements, completing this quest will require a minimum of three weeks of effort for Xbox Game Pass holders as well as Ultimate members. But if the latter can afford to miss a few weekly missions, the former should aim for 100% over 3 weeks unless counting on the last set of quests of the final week.

Quest Veteran

• Game size: /
• To get back : 1000 stitches
• Game time required: 22 days

Complete 22 daily quests and 12 weekly quests.

We’re not going to lie to each other, if we’re after a particular quest, it’s this one! Even if it is less profitable than originally, it’s always fun when it falls! Depending on the months and the subscription you benefit from, your attendance could be put to the test. Once again, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members will be accommodated in the best seats since they benefit from a increased number of weekly quests. For Xbox Game Pass Classic membership holders, this card will tolerate few failures at the weekly level during the monthly exercise if not only one, otherwise you will miss it. What could be more infuriating than missing this card for a notch or two? Nothing I admit. So calculate your shot well!

The post The August 2022 Xbox Game Pass and Rewards Quests Guide appeared first on Gamingsym.