
The WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android) has received an update to version 2206.40000.15.0. Even if it’s still US-only, it’s still interesting what new functions Microsoft has integrated. At some point it has to be available to us.

  • New set of tweaks that can be toggled in the Windows Subsystem for Android Settings app, allowing for better working across different applications
  • Compatibility for games with joysticks (mapped to WASD)
  • Compatibility for gamepads in games
  • Compatibility for aiming in games with arrow keys
  • Compatibility for gliding in games with arrow keys
  • Scrolling improvements
  • Networking improvements
  • Android’s minimum window size is set to 220dp
  • Improved dialog when an unsupported VPN is detected
  • New toggle to show/save diagnostic data in Windows Subsystem for Android Settings app
  • security updates
  • General reliability fixes, including diagnostic size improvements
  • Graphics improvements

Known problems:

  • Some VPNs may not work with advanced networking. If you are using a VPN and find that Android apps are not having network connectivity, please disable extended network in the Windows Subsystem for Android Settings app.

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