
Today, Xiaomi mobile phone officially announced,The Xiaomi Mi 12S Pro will use the 120W Xiaomi Surging Second Charge, and there are two modes to choose from.

For users who need high-speed charging, you can choose the fast charging mode,Charge the battery to 100% in just 19 minutesbut there will be more obvious fever.

For users who are more concerned about the temperature of their mobile phones, Xiaomi also provides a constant temperature mode to choose from.In this mode, the charging power of the mobile phone is low, and it takes 25 minutes to charge to 100%, but it can ensure that the temperature of the mobile phone is low during the whole process.

In addition to the 120W wired fast charge,Xiaomi Mi 12S Pro also supports 50W wireless fast charging and 10W wireless reverse chargingin an emergency, it can even “recover blood” for other mobile phones that support wireless charging.

It is reported that the Xiaomi Mi 12S Pro is equipped with the Snapdragon 8+ flagship processor, which is also the first Snapdragon 8+ model in the industry. Officially, the CPU power consumption is reduced by about 30% compared with the Snapdragon 8, and the GPU power consumption is reduced by up to 30%.

As the flagship of Leica, Xiaomi Mi 12S series all come with “Leica watermark” Leica Jun said that this represents Leica’s full affirmation of the image quality of the three mobile phones. Authentic Leica images.

Fully charged in as fast as 19 minutes: Xiaomi Mi 12S Pro is equipped with 120W super fast charge

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Responsible editor: Nai Hearticle error correction

Hashtags: Xiaomi 12S Pro fast chargeXiaomi

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