
Transsion Holdings said in an institutional survey that currently emerging market countries are still in the market development trend of “switching from functional phones to smart phones”, functional phones still occupy a high market share, and the penetration rate of smart phones is relatively low, even There is also a certain percentage of the population who do not yet use mobile devices.

With the improvement of economic development level and per capita consumption capacity, under the general trend of intelligent development of mobile phones, the smart phone market in emerging markets has great potential. At the same time, Transsion is continuing to “go out of Africa”, in addition to South Asian countries, it is also expanding outward to promote the development of the company’s mobile phone business.

According to reports, the company has three major mobile phone brands: TECNO, itel and Infinix.

  • Among them, TECNO is a mid-to-high-end brand under TRANSSION, targeting the middle-class consumer groups in emerging markets. TECNO also has PHANTOM, CAMON, SPARK, POVA and other series;

  • Infinix is ​​a fashion technology brand under TRANSSION, mainly targeting young people who pursue fashion technology. It has ZERO, NOTE, HOT, SMART and other series;

  • itel is a popular brand under TRANSSION. It focuses on reliable quality and cost-effective routes. It has A, S, P, V and other series.

In the “2022 Most Favored Brands by African Consumers” Top 100 list released by “African Business”, Transsion’s three mobile phone brands TECNO, itel and Infinix are on the list again. TECNO ranked 6th, ranking first among the selected Chinese brands for many consecutive years; itel ranked 15th, up 6 places compared to 2021; Infinix ranked 25th.

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