
On July 3, Tesla officially announced the delivery data for the second quarter. In the second quarter of 2022, despite ongoing supply chain challenges and factory shutdowns,Tesla still produced more than 258,600 vehicles globally and delivered nearly 254,700 vehicles.

Affected by the epidemic, Tesla’s two consecutive years of delivery data growth came to an abrupt end in Q2 this year.

It is understood that Tesla delivered 254,700 vehicles in the second quarter, higher than the 201,250 vehicles in the same period last year, but lower than the record 310,048 vehicles in the first quarter, ending a two-year growth momentum and lower than the estimated 261,200 vehicles. vehicle.

Tesla said,Despite ongoing supply chain challenges and factory shutdowns, June 2022 was the highest month for vehicle production in Tesla’s history.

Some time ago, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in an interview recently that the company’s new electric car factories in Austin, Texas, and Berlin, Germany are currently losing money due to battery shortages and port problems that make it difficult to increase production.” billions of dollars”.

“With the huge roar of the machine, we can even hear the sound of burning money,” Musk said. “The Berlin and Austin factories are now losing billions of dollars.” The shortage of raw material supplies has already affected Tesla’s production capacity. huge impact.

However, because of the huge global demand for Tesla, the temporary shortage of raw materials has not affected Tesla’s factory expansion. In terms of factory construction,The Berlin Gigafactory is already Tesla’s fourth Gigafactory.

The Texas Gigafactory is Tesla’s fifth factory after the Nevada Gigafactory, the New York Gigafactory, the Shanghai Gigafactory and the Berlin Gigafactory, and the fourth car after the Fremont Factory, Shanghai Factory and Berlin Factory. assembly factory.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Ruofengarticle error correction

Hashtag: Tesla capacity factory

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