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Every year, we go through hot periods. When it’s this hot, it’s important to stay hydrated. Be careful, however, do not exceed the recommended dose of 1.5 liters per day, as this will have adverse consequences on health and well-being.

Drinking too much water is not recommended

Excessive water consumption can not only lead to kidney complications but also hyperhidrosis, which refers to excessive sweat production. Thus, do not drink more than 1.5 liters of water per day to regulate your temperature.

If you don’t like water, don’t opt ​​for sodas and fruit juices. Although refreshing in the moment, club soda can be dehydrating. As for fruit juice, it is not recommended because of its high sugar content. So, if you want a little change, consider adding a slice of lemon or mint to your glass of water instead.

Alcoholic beverages should also be prohibited in hot weather, as alcohol has a diuretic and vasodilator effect. In other words, the blood vessels dilate. This phenomenon becomes more important as the temperature increases. It can cause a feeling of discomfort and greater sensitivity to heat in the person consuming the alcoholic beverage.

— mimagephotography / Shutterstock.com

Foods to eat and avoid

Drinking water is not the only way to stay hydrated during periods of high heat and heat waves. Indeed, you can also consume certain foods composed largely of water. In particular, favor salads made with cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce or zucchini. Also opt for cold soups and gazpachos.

You can also eat meat to meet your fluid needs. However, not all meats are recommended. Give preference in particular to poultry and non-oily fish. Finally, certain foods are not recommended, namely cold meats, smoked fish, cakes, dried fruits and crisps.

To go further, here are 10 foods to avoid during a heat wave.

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