
On July 4th, the public account “UNISOC” announced today that when the 3GPP 5G R17 version ASN.1 was officially frozen, on June 21, UNISOC and Beijing Penghu Wuyu Technology Development Co., Ltd. took the lead. Completed the world’s first 5G satellite Internet of Things satellite measurement based on the R17 IoT NTN standard, and opened a new generation of satellite Internet of Things service mode based on 5G. According to reports, the satellite IoT terminal used in this test was developed based on the UNISOC IoT NTN chip. Through the L-band satellite, the communication networking test was completed on the pre-commercial base station, and data transmission was realized. The satellite used in the test is a commercial geosynchronous orbit mobile communication satellite located 36,000 kilometers above the equator. UNISOC has successfully completed broadcasting, access, data transmission, etc. The communication process is realized, and the networking test of multi-terminal access and concurrent communication services is realized. It is worth mentioning that the satellite IoT test terminal used in this satellite launch test has a transmit power of 23dBm, which is the same as that of a mobile phone, which means that the .
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