
To deal with the runaway electricity prices, the Liberals want to lower the VAT on electricity from today’s 25 percent to 6 percent. The party also wants to lower the energy tax on electricity, in a first step by 5 öre/kWh (6.25 öre/kWh including VAT).

“The price development we see for electricity in central and southern Sweden is at a level that requires political measures to mitigate the consequences for households and consumers,” says a press release.

– It’s about how people can cope with the shockingly high electricity prices. Sweden is heading towards darker times, we don’t know how cold it will be this winter, but that prices will rise, says L leader Johan Pehrson at a press conference.

– Households are under pressure while the state makes profits, adds the party’s economic policy spokesperson Mats Persson.

According to the party’s calculations, the VAT reduction and a lower electricity tax would mean reduced costs of around SEK 20,000 per year for an electrically heated villa in southern Sweden.

– This is an election promise from the Liberals, we want to make sure to dampen the cost shock that will take people out of their wallets, says Johan Pehrson.

The party’s goal is that in the long term, when public finances allow, the electricity tax should at least be halved from today’s level.

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