
In the latest issue of Mark Gurman’s newsletter, Gurman writes that he now believes that the next Apple Watch will be able to determine whether the user reads have fever. Gurman believes that both the “regular” Apple Watch Series 8 and a new model that is more durable will have the function. This is how Gurman writes:
“You can expect some new health-tracking features in this year’s Apple Watch. In April, I reported that Apple has been aiming to add body-temperature detection to its Series 8 model, assuming the capability passes muster during internal testing. I now believe the feature is a go for both the standard Apple Watch Series 8 and a new rugged edition that’s aimed at extreme sports athletes. “

The second-generation AirPods Pro, however, Gurman believes will not have any similar features for measuring body temperature or heart rate, something that it was previously rumored that the headphones could do.


Mobile, Apple,

Apple Watch Series 8, fever, thermometer, rumors



Apple Watch Series 8 can get body temperature thermometer

Ming-Chi Kuo thinks so

We will not find any sensor for measuring body temperature on the Apple Watch Series 7, but that may change this autumn when Apple introduces the Apple Watch Series 8, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo believes. In a series of tweets, Kuo writes that Apple initially aimed to offer the feature already with Series 7 last year, but that it had to scrap the feature because the algorithms used were simply not good enough (these are required to get accurate measurements from the wrist). Now, however, the company may be ready to ship the function with Series 8, Kuo believes, if they succeed in getting to the algorithms, that is. He also says that Samsung has encountered similar problems with its body temperature thermometer for the Galaxy Watch and that they may skip the feature in the upcoming Galaxy Watch 5. It simply remains to be seen if Kuo is right that we will be able to take the temperature to see if we have a fever right from the clock later this year.

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