
Not long ago, it was reported that Microsoft has banned the download of Win10 and Win11 systems in Russia, and visiting the relevant page will prompt a 404 error. With the continuous withdrawal of Microsoft, Russia has also begun to turn to the Linux system, trying to replace the Win system. According to the Russian media Moscow Times, the Russian government and institutions began to use the Linux system, migrating the Windows platform to the Linux operating system Astra Linux developed by the Russian company Rusbitech based on the Debian distribution. Customers of Gazprom, Rosatom and local governments have posted hundreds of contracts for the purchase and installation of Linux worth billions of rubles on public procurement websites, including clinics, the Federal Ministry of Finance, Russia Federal agencies, etc. Microsoft has previously stated that it will gradually reduce its business in Russia. Although it will not be completely withdrawn, it will also be very weak. Not only will it be impossible to download Win10 and Win11 systems from the official website in Russia, but future system updates may also be banned. For individual users, this matter has little impact, but for government and enterprise users, there is no official .
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